Skincare update - 1 month - | Yves-Rocher "Sebo Vegetal" range


Even though the video was posted on my Youtube Channel here:    a couple of weeks ago I thought of doing a more in-depth update of the products:

So, I'll start from the beginning :) I've purchased these products because I have acne-prone, sensitive skin. I've tried products from Yves-Rocher before and my skin reacted well to them so I thought of trying out the "Sebo Vegetal" range which is aimed for my skin type. You can find the full range here: Yves Rocher "Oily Skin" products.

I know that my skin issues are deeper than it looks at the surface but I refuse to take drugs/medicines to "clean" it up especially since a lot of them have really nasty side effects. So I chose to use skin cleaning products that target my issue and makeup to cover up when I go out. Don't shoot at me, it's just my preference. 

Now, back to the update:

- Purifying Cleansing Gel - As per instructions on the packaging I use this product twice a day; in the morning and in the evening. In the morning after I wake up I just put a pump and rub it on my damp face to create a lather and just rinse it with lukewarm water. The same thing I do in the evening before I go to bed. It is a good cleansing product for oily skin. The skin feels tighten and "stripped" of oils; though not in a bad way.

- Cleansing Purifying Micellar Water - I use this in the morning after the Purifying Cleansing Gel as a toner. I put around a pump on a cotton pad and "wash" my face with it. Apart from that I use it after I take off my makeup just as a 2nd cleansing product after my makeup remover cream that I use. 
What I can say (and you'll probably read it a lot in this post) is that it really leaves my skin matte after using it. It "strips" my skin of any oil residue that I might have. I don't feel like it dries my skin out so it's not that harsh on the skin; it's like it takes off the "1st oily layer". 
I do like the product, I've tried several "Micellar Waters" from them and I go back to them. My skin likes them more than the Famous "Garnier" one so.. probably I'll continue buying it.

Zero Blemish Moisturizing Gel Cream - I just feel like this cream will last me around 5-6 months at least. Even though I've used it for a month now you can barely see that I've used it. I do have a small face and even though you're supposed to use it twice a day (in the morning and evening) I use it only in the morning as in the evening I have another skin product that I use.  What I like a lot about it is that it can easily be used as a face primer (especially for oily skin) cause it just mattifies the skin. It didn't dry it out, it has a gel consistency that sinks into the skin in like.. seconds and the matte feeling is like you've put a really finely milled powder on top. I really like this product.. a lot.

- Purifying Scrub - This product is targeted to be used twice a week. Because I have blemishes I try to use it only once a week because I don't want to do any extra damage to my skin. The exfoliating particles are Apricot Kernels turned into smaller pieces so it won't cause any "bruises". What I have about it is that the particles go all over the place and you have to really be careful otherwise while lathering the product onto the skin (and while rinsing it off) you may find bits of kernels in your hair line. Just like the rest of the products from the range, it does mattify the skin afterwards. Apart from that, it's just a regular face scrub.

- Purifying Face Mask - Maybe because I use the mask after I use the Scrub (once a week) .. I need to change my routine .. but I just don't feel like it does much to my skin. I don't hate it, it's just like.. meeh.. I really need to change the routine and see if that's the trick to it.

Well, overall, I'm happy with the products. I like that it mattifies my skin the most, apart from that.. they are just like regular cleansing products. The Boreal Tea Powder is the trick here :)

PS. This post is not sponsored. I'm just a small Blogger/Youtuber so all of my reviews are my own. I purchase the products myself.
If I'd ever have a sponsored video/blog I will disclose it and that won't change my opinion though.

Hope you find this post useful ^_^

Lots of love,


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