Swiss O.Par Frottee - Dry Shampoo review

Hi there,

For this one I'm really excited, I never used dry shampoo before so when I saw it at DM - Drogerie Markt I thought I should give it a try. Maybe some of you think I lived under a rock till now (maybe I did, I tried a lot of things I never tried before lately) :P

If you used this brand before please let me know your thoughts of it. I am really anxious to try it and let you know my opinion about it.

They state on the tube "for a quick hair wash when you're in time crisis". The directions they give are: comb really good your hair then from about 20 cm spray easily and uniform your hair(divided in sections), Afterwards pat dry your hair with a towel and comb it again (to eliminate the white residue the product lets).

It is made be Rufin Cosmetic in Langenhagen, Germany.

The product looks like this:

It is written in Romanian on it but it's just a sticker above the original German writing.

Let me know your thought about dry shampoo in general,

Thanks for your time :)

Lots of love,


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