Sephora Miami Vibes Palette Review

Hi there,

I have to apologize for not posting as I promised I would. I should have been posted a new review at a Sephora palette last week but I had some health issues and couldn't. To make up for the lost time, I'll post a review and a makeup look using the palette.

So, with a delay and with an apology here is the review :)

A couple of weeks ago I went to Sephora and found this cute, mini palette. It is called Miami Vibes no.11. It includes 4 eyeshadows and a liner.

The colors are nice, not extremely pigmented (apart from the so called liner).  But I can't complain, it's manageable :)

The colors are called :
top(from left to right): golden beige; turquoise blue;
middle(from left to right): Deep blue; Hawaiian beach;
bottom: liner-dark brown;

The golden beige color is a great brow bone highlighter.

  Below you will find pictures with the palette and with the swatches.

Hope you'll enjoy the quick and easy look I pulled with this palette that you'll find in the next post.

Lots of love,


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