I stopped shopping at Sephora


Today I will talk about why I haven't done a haul in a while and why I stopped shopping at Sephora (at least in stores) for good.

Why I haven't done a haul in a while ?

I've cleaned up my drawers and I've decided that I have way too many makeup products (I'm not a hoarder, I only have about and Ikea Alex drawer full of products). Even though that may sound that it's not that much for a lot of people for me it's quite enough.

Around the time I canceled my Ipsy subscription (because I was fed up of getting tiny samples that had "sample, not for sale" on the back and the fact that I was getting kind of the same stuff / brands so their diversity was really poor). I've decided that I need to take a break on purchasing makeup stuff and try to pan things that I have so I don't end up throwing them away.

The beauty industry is worth millions and rely a lot on impulse buyers that end up having the same products / shades just from different companies.

Lately because I wasn't buying makeup products I turned to bath and body ones and started searching for indie / start-ups / private owned companies that make their products handmade and are not industrialized.

I've come across a really nice start-up brand, they are making mostly bath and body products (fizzies aka bath bombs, face and body scrubs etc). 

They are from Romania, as far as I've understood they are in the works of launching their website and plan of shipping their products across Europe possible Worldwide too.

I've found them through Facebook and I really like their products. 

Therefor my first 2019 haul will be with their products so stay tuned ^_^.

Why I stopped buying from Sephora ?

As you may already know I'm in Romania, I don't really care about what everybody things around me. As long as I feel good in my skin I can't be bothered with what others think.

I've never hidden the fact that I have a really temperamental skin and at times it's quite acne prone.

In December 2018 just before Christmas I was running some last minute errands and ended up into a Sephora store here where I live.

I had a few questions and tried to find one of the girl there so they can help me out. To my surprise they were way to occupied or couldn't be bothered to answer me ... making their own makeup in front of that vanity mirror was much more important to them.

That day I didn't wore makeup; my skin wasn't in terrible shape but it didn't look flawless either. I asked if I can speak with a manager if they are too busy to attend to me.  

They looked at me made a face like I was someone that doesn't deserve their attention ( almost that sort of sarcastic laughing face). As I said I don't care what people think but that trigger me because I was a paying customer and from my point of view I could've turn up having halloween makeup on the face and still should've helped me.

Of course that made it look like they went in the office to ask for the manager to come (which didn't happen) apparently the manager was either way too busy, couldn't be bothered or wasn't informed at all.

I just left the store with a disgusted taste and promised myself that Sephora doesn't deserve my money from now on regardless of the amount I'm spending. And I haven't set foot in their store since neither order from them online.

No person should be treated like that especially since they're paid to help you out.

What's curios is the fact that I've heard so many people complaining of the company recently and I was happy that I didn't had that issues but.. I suppose I got happy way too soon...

So from my point of view.. you may Rest in Peace Sephora ...

There are many competitors of them on the marked so my money will go to one of those.

P.S. Have you heard of Fenty Beauty's online bullying? Kendo - the company that developed Fenty is part of LVHM family who .. ownes Sephora too -  so, surprise surprise... 

I s'pose Fenty and it's sister brands from the same clan won't get my money either. I hate bullying regardless of the type of it..

I will still use the products I currently have, but won't purchase new ones owned by them.

The saddest thing is that the CEO David Suliteanu has Romanian roots; I guess I'd rather support Anastasia Soare (owner of Anastasia Beverly Hills) as she's Romanian too :)

Lots of love,


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