Lush Cosmetics mini haul

Hi there,

While I was on holiday I came across a Lush store. For some time now I wanted to try on one of  their solid naked shampoos but I knew that if I would end up buying it online I'll do some damage to my bank account .... sic...

For those who don't know / care / aren't aware Lush Cosmetics is a  Handmade / Fresh Cosmetics Company founded in 1995 in Poole, United Kingdom. Since they they have stores all over the world. Are quite known for their bath bombs and the fact that most of their products don't have outer packaging so you can "smell" a Lush store from afar.  

I limited myself to two items I really wanted to try and haven't had a chance to since now.

- Brightside Bubble bar:

Oh my gosh... I love how this smells... it makes me wanna eat it.

It's packed with good stuff. It has tangerine, mandarin, bergamot oils. It makes a really nice lather, bubbles that last quite a decent time.

I just crumbled a bit of it under running water. Based on the amount I was using I guess this will last me about a month.

I paid for the bubble bar 5,25 British pounds.
USA website: Brightside bubble bar.

- Seanik Solid shampoo bar + Round tin: 

I choose this one because I liked how it looked and how it smelled (I'm just being honest).

Since I was travelling abroad I bought the metallic tin too so it's easier to travel with (and if I decide to replace the shampoo at least I have a tin to carry it into).

At first it was really strange using it as I'm used to the liquid shampoos so it was a bit weird at first. The scent didn't transfer to my hair but it left it squishy clean and once dried it felt really soft.

As ingredients it has: Irish moss gel, Nori seaweed, fine sea salt and lemon oil, mimosa absolute, orange flower absolute, jasmine absolute. Of course it contains Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (this makes the bubbles).

They advertise this as a solid shampoo that lasts as much as 3 regular bottles of shampoo. I'm curious to test that out ^_^.

I paid for the shampoo 7,50 British pounds / it has 55g.
I paid for the metallic tin  2,50 British pounds.

USA website:  Shampoo bar in Seanik.

UK website: Round tin.
USA website:Round tin.

The overall amount I paid for these 3 items was 15,25 British Pounds / around 20$.
If you purchase these 3 products from the USA website it makes a total of 28,85$.

Have you tried Lush products? do you like them? what's your favorite Lush product?

Lots of love,


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