Lips and lashes mini haul

Hi there,

I bought recently a bunch of makeup products; initially I wanted to make just a big haul but there would have been a long one so I divided it into fewer smaller ones;

This is the first of them and it's a lips and lashes one (it has only two products).

Here is what I bought:

- Kylie liquid lipstick in Dolce K:

With all the hype about the Kylie Jenner's makeup line I wanted to see what's up with it. I didn't want to spend that much on a liquid lipstick (In my opinion it's way too much for a lipstick) so I ended up buying the dupe/fake one from Aliexpress... Ooops ^_^. I've seen a ton of great copy reviews for the Aliexpress ones so at that price you cannot complain; and let's be serious the girl has a ton of money and in my humble opinion the product is overpriced either way.

To be honest I thought I will get a crazy, good for nothing product.. To my surprise it's a really really good dupe (I've tried out the original; but I don't own it). They tried to copy even the smell of the original one. The actual tube is good quality, the only downfall is that the writing on the tube wears off; but I don't mind it as long as the product inside is a good one. As for staying power I was surprised that it stayed on for a good few hours. It didn't get patchy, it began to rub off after I had a full lunch but it wasn't too crazy.

Overall I was impressed; I paid 1,59$ for it with free shipping (it took about 3 weeks to get to me but hey.. it's 1$) ^_^. Here is the link to the seller if you want to give it a try:

PS. It looks like they increased the price to 1,99$ apart from shade "22" which is 1,19$.

I am considering purchasing the rest of the shades as I didn't had any issues with this one.

- W7 "Absolute lashes" black Mascara:

I bought this one in store form T.J. Hughes in Liverpool (they always have tons of makeup stuff at really great prices; It cost me 0.99 pounds ^_^)

I didn't know what to expect from it but at that price it wasn't like I was about to break the bank so I took the chance. 

It looks hell'a of a lot like the Benefit They're real mascara. It's a dupe from the outside packaging to the wand itself. Yeah, it's not as sturdy as that one and the tube is not that great of a quality but the wand and formula itself are not bad at all. 

I heard a couple of mixed reviews about it but the one I got is working great; it's not dry, it doesn't clump or smudge.

Overall, it's a great everyday mascara if you don't want to pay a ton of money for it. I tried to trace it online and here is where I found it for online purchasing(the price is a bit higher than what I paid for it but still really affordable):

Well, this completes this haul, I hope you found it useful,

Lots of love,


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